What is LaborIQ?

Thousands of users trust LaborIQ to provide salary recommendations, close pay gaps, and simplify pay transparency strategies.

With LaborIQ, you'll know the best markets to recruit, where to find qualified and diverse talent, and be able to customize market-competitive compensation plans for over 20,000 job titles.

Set Pay for New Hires

Whether it's a new role for the company or backfilling an existing position, it can be hard to nail down the job requirements and associated pay in today's market. Leverage the details of our job repository to remove the guesswork for your next opening. Salaries, skills and responsibilities included for all jobs.

Strategic Compensation Planning

The headcount budgeting process is a big task to manage. Save time by easily uploading your roster of employees and get market-based salary benchmarks to stay up to date between merit cycles.

What Clients Are Saying

The market reports and Salary Answers are very helpful to our clients. We work with all different industries so the additional feature narrowing down by industry has been very helpful.
LaborIQ has enhanced my clients’ hiring strategies now that we can get the data behind what drives salary demands, and how pay ranges will change in the future. We identified where they could have overpaid for talent, saving overhead costs in the long run.
With LaborIQ’s salary recommendations and metro analysis, I was able to identify new markets for talent acquisition and instill confidence in one of our hiring managers that we would be able to staff her team successfully with top talent. And, we know we can keep talent after discovering through LaborIQ that we are a top-paying employer.
LaborIQ has set us apart from other recruiting companies. We are able to look at market forecasts by location and industry, which helps determine growth and expansion areas for our business. With LaborIQ Salary Answers, we're able to provide our clients accurate, market-driven salary information to help them budget for current and future positions.